Saturday, April 02, 2005


a poem for mother

Guadagnavi soldi sola (you used to earn money alone)
E di mattini freddi benedetti preparavi (and in blessed cold morning you prepared)
Prima degli affanni del commercio (before the struggles of the commerce)
Del clamor del giorno (of the day noise)
Pria dell’arroganza (before the arrogance)
E dell’affannosa trattativa (of the tiring dealing)
Ascosa (hidden)
Fra vetri appannati (in steamy windows)
D’alba fredda (of cold dawns)
E bollir di casseruole (and boiling of pots)
Madre mia. (Mine Mother)

Olio ed aglio (Oil and garlic)
E pomodori nostri (and our tomatoes)
E sedano e patate (and celery and potatoes)
Comprate a lire tue (bought in pesos of yours)
Nell’umido mercato. ( in the muddy market)

E grani di sale (grains of salt)
E polvere d’amore (powder of love)
E dignità e pazienza assai (dignity and patience a lot)
E sacrificio (and sacrifice)
E impegno (and devotion)
E amore, (and love)
Amore, (love)
Amore. (love)

(maggio 2004)

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